Our maternity services at Nectacare offer wholehearted care and support throughout your stay at our facility. Our trained medical team of professional nurses, midwives and sonographers will see to the wellbeing of you and your unborn baby.

We offer routine antenatal care check-ups which are conducted by our experienced maternity staff. The antenatal care offered at our facility takes the wellbeing of our patients into consideration and would therefore include health education & promotion of dietary needs to patients.


POSTNATAL CARE – We offer routine care after birth; postnatal day 3 and 7 check-ups for mom and baby, breastfeeding consultations, phototherapy treatment for jaundice babies, family planning, pap smears and the required baby immunizations.

BIRTHING & DELIVERY – The expectant mother will be under midwifery care at our facility which will provide the necessary care and support.

SCANS & ULTRASOUNDS – The following obstetric ultrasounds are offered at Nectacare Maternity wards:

  • Baseline scan – Determines gestational age, accurate due date, multiple pregnancies & location of gestational sac. This is generally done from 7-18 weeks.
  • NT (Nuchal Translucency) scan – Determines the risk for Down Syndrome and is done at our facility at 13 weeks.
  • Foetal assessment scan – Determines growth & development. Gender can also be determined at this scan. Scan is done at 20-22 weeks.
  • Growth (basic) scan – This scan can be done at any stage of your pregnancy to determine growth, foetal wellbeing & position of the baby.